The Technica Futura conference – EN version

  • 19. 4. 23, Středa
  • TechTower, Koterovská 152

Technology, innovation and Pilsen are inextricably linked. And that’s why Technica Futura 2023 is here – a conference that will combine technology, innovation and the West Bohemian metropolis into one huge experience.


What can we look forward to?

The conference will explore a variety of topics, including the future of the retail market, cyber security, and the perspective of Generation Z high school students. We are thrilled to announce that the highlight of the event will be a lecture from Tomáš Vondráček, who will share his insights on the topic “Why am I not afraid of ChatGPT?” Mr. Vondráček is well-known for his successful hackathon for an e-shop with highway stamps.

Throughout the day, there will be a range of accompanying programs, including the chance to learn more about the activities of the SIT Drones – the only official part of the Integrated Rescue Service in the Czech Republic. Attendees can also control the robotic dog SPOT or try operating a model of a hydrogen-powered car. Additionally, we are excited to offer attendees the opportunity to experience contactless shopping in a realistic and fully functional GK GO store. This will be the first time that this technology has been available in the Czech Republic and it is arriving in the form of a cargo container from Europe, having only been presented at trade fairs in New York, Paris, and Düsseldorf.

Technology and innovation are changing the world, get to know the projects of the future up close and sign up for Technica Futura 2023.

Simultaneous interpretation will be provided, so please let us know if you require this service.

You can find the detailed program of the event HERE

Registrations are already closed


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