System for automatic evaluation of traffic situation

Current situation:

  • The Pilsen Municipal Police is faced with one of the basic problems with the safety and fluidity of traffic on the roads.
  • One of the tools used to put pressure on motor vehicle drivers is the implementation of towing of vehicles that constitute an obstacle to road traffic.
  • Not every vehicle that is parked on the road in contravention of the law also constitutes an obstacle to road traffic.
  • An obstruction to traffic is a so-called vague legal term defined as … “anything that could endanger the safety or smooth flow of traffic on the road…….”. The legislator does not provide a more precise definition and leaves the refinement of the term to the application practice.
  • The decision to remove vehicles is a tangible interference with the rights of drivers and vehicle operators, which is why the municipal police are often faced with complaints on this issue.
  • An obstacle is undoubtedly a vehicle parked on the road in such a way that it prevents or significantly hinders the passage of fire brigade vehicles.

Solution Requested:

  • We would appreciate it if it would be possible to create a system that would be placed on the towing vehicle and automatically evaluate the traffic situation – road width ratios, intersection handling spaces – in the context of the current possibility/impossibility of the passage of the fire brigade vehicles. The system should be able to provide an output that would document the situation and could be included in the administrative file as evidence.
  • The assignment also includes an up-to-date list of equipment available to the PK Fire Brigade in Pilsen.


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