TOP Talks

TOP Talks is a series of live interviews with guests who have had a significant impact in business, technology and science and have influenced both the Czech and international scene. These guests are selected with the aim of bringing participants interesting and inspiring stories of successful people and showing the ways in which they were able to achieve their goals.

Each guest is unique and brings a new perspective on the world. TOP Talks guests include successful entrepreneurs, researchers, innovators and other prominent personalities. The interviews are conducted by an experienced moderator who talks to the guests about their lives, careers and opinions on various current topics.

If you are interested in science, technology and business, this event is for you. Come to TOP Talks and be inspired by successful people who have become leaders in their field.

All talks are in Czech language.

More projects

Pilsen Cube

Pilsen Cube II. is the unique and brave project of students´ satellite. Its mission is to direct young people to the space programs. Students in cooperation with ZČU build functional picosatellite...

Technical workshops

The SIT Port prototype workshop is a great place for makers of all ages. It has a large workspace, technical facilities, hardware and data, 3D printers and CNC machines. We also use the garage for...

Battle Bots

We have divided the Battle Bots competition into two categories according to difficulty so that both schoolchildren and students will find their...