SIT Port Workshops

The workshop is an educational activity where participant gains skills for his next project through a lecturer. The lecturer uses different kinds of techniques. We know how hard is to break the ice and fall into business waters. Having the idea is just the beginning of the long journey. Through this journey, you have to solve many other uneasy and unpleasant things that need to be done. It might not be easy to recognize them at first, but it’s like any other skill: practice makes perfect. That´s why we organize workshops where professionals from different fields advise on their business experiences to make the business start a little bit easier.

What is the aim of the project?

At the beginning of a business, founders fulfil several functions. They have to know accounting, act as a lawyer, marketer, graphic designer or programmer. That’s why we organize workshops where professionals from the industry answer the most common questions related to starting a startup, thus making life easier for founders starting their own business.

Follow us on social media or check the events calendar to make sure you don’t miss a workshop.

Workshops are also announced by Pyladies, which aims to bring IT closer to women and women to IT. To do this, it uses the Python programming language, which is perfect for teaching purposes and is also in high demand in the job market.

Informations about workshops, speakers and dates will find on Facebook or Instagram. Just a reminder that workshops are in Czech language.

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