The national final of the Cyber competition and the success of Pilsen students

On May 19, the SIT Port campus was transformed into a venue for hacking skills. The National Finals of the Czech National Cyber ​​Security Competition organized by the AFCEA Cyber ​​Security Working Group, Cyber ​​Security Center z.ú. and a number of state, academic and professional organizations.

The national final was attended by 42 of the best students from primary, secondary and higher schools from the entire Czech Republic. Competitors made it to the finals thanks to two elimination rounds from a total of 5,500 students and competed in three age categories.

Peter Melniček from Masaryk University in Brno became the absolute winner and the winner of the category over 20 years old. Patrik Vácal from the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, who you may know as the founder of the SocialReaders startup and an enthusiastic fan of artificial intelligence and autonomous driving, won in the category of students aged 15-20. Another student from Pilsen, Jan Kučera took a beautiful 5th place in the high school category in the team part and 2nd place in the individual part, Jan is also known as a member of the Hydra racing team.

“The competition tasks were very interesting and well prepared. Unfortunately, due to the upcoming high school graduation, I didn’t have that much time to prepare”  says the recent high school graduate Jan. His placement secured him a place in the qualification for the Czech national cyber team. The national team then participates in the European Championship in Vienna.

In the junior category of students under the age of 15, Vojtěch Čepička (Říčany High School) won.

Congratulations to all participants!

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